This has been the first castle expedition for me and also the first ever for the
Vicalvi Castle.
I have used an Icom 706 Mk II G and the mobile antenna Diamond HM-6. All contacts have
been made in SSB and, except a single one, on the 40 mt band, because there was poor propagation on
the 20 mt band.
I have made 140 qso, with only 4 duplicates.
The request to validate the expedition has been sent on July 24 and the following day I received
the validation.
The qsl cards are the usual IK0WRB cards, with printed on the rear a photo of the castle and
the expedition data. The cards for all the following qso have been sent via the Italian ARI
bureau on September 10, 2005, when I mailed them in the Rome office of ARI.