Ths was the first expedition on this new award reference, discovered by me.
I used the usual Icom IC 706 Mk II G and an half-wave dipole, installed on the side on one building,
at about 150 meters from the tower.
It is the Hotel Restaurant Paradisi, that takes its name from the Kingdom of Italy's senator that
build it, during XIX century. I wish to thank these people, for their hospitality and the support
they gave to me. They didn't became nervous even when I left some RG-58 wind up in one tree of their
garden! I think this is due to the totally quiet environment, the ideal for some days of relax, away from
the everydays duties.
Since I used a monoband dipole, all contacts were made on the 40 mt band, in SSB. Propagation was
strangely quite long, which is normally a good thing, but that caused in this case some problems
to the Italian stations, making things easier for the European ones.
All things considered, I'm quite happy of the 120 qso I made, with only 2 duplicates. During the
last hour or so, I was intentionally disturbed by someone putting an oriental music at S9+40
on my call frequency. When this happened, I quicky moved down 3 Khz, only to be followed by the music, sometimes later.
Then I moved back to the original frequency, where I was followed again by the disturbing station, etc.
Interestingly enough, many stations understood quickly the game and followed me, making many successfull QSO.
Now I wish to thank openly the disturber, for the extra amusement he gave to all of us.
All the QSL cards for this expedition have been sent via the Rome Ari bureau, on January 14, 2006. You can
see here at right how they look like.